Has your face turned pale due to the lack of blood in the body? Eat these things every day.

Although lack of blood in the body can happen to a person of any age and any gender, the problem of anemia is more common in women. Actually, women go through many changes in their life cycle like menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Some people also suffer from anemia due to increasing age or health-related problems. Apart from taking medicines to overcome the lack of blood in the body, it is most important that you keep your diet healthy. To increase blood in the body, you can make some foods a part of your diet.
When there is anemia, symptoms like getting tired quickly, always feeling weak, difficulty in breathing, yellowness in the face and eyes appear, which should not be ignored. Iron is considered the most important nutrient for the production of hemoglobin in the body, while vitamin B12 is also necessary for the production of hemoglobin. So let's know which foods should be eaten.
To fulfil the deficiency of blood in the body, you should include beetroot and beetroot greens in your diet. Both these things are rich in iron. Apart from cooking beetroot, it can also be eaten raw as a salad, which is very beneficial.
Eat dates
Talking about the source of iron, dates are also a great food. One should eat two to three dates daily. Its consumption is beneficial for everyone from children to the elderly. Eating dates also strengthens bones and muscles and also provides instant energy.
It is important to take dairy products
To increase the blood in the body, apart from drinking milk daily, one should also eat products made from it like curd, cheese etc. Dairy products contain calcium, iron as well as vitamin B12 which is helpful in the production of hemoglobin.
This fruit is very beneficial
To fulfil the deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, it is best to consume seasonal fruits. If we talk about increasing blood in the body, then eating pomegranate is considered good.
Include these dry fruits in your diet
If there is a lack of blood in the body, one should consume at least 25 grams of raisins daily. Raisins contain a good amount of iron. About 1.3 milligrams of iron is found in half a cup of raisins, which is 7 percent of the daily requirement.