Fears and myths related to hair transplant... Know the answers to all the questions from famous Dr. Akhilendra Singh.


Hair loss is a common problem, but there are many reasons like deteriorating lifestyles and pollution, due to which people all over the world are troubled by this problem in today's time. Young people are also complaining of hair loss in today's time. This is a much more widespread problem than we think. Self-confidence also starts to decrease due to hair loss. A hair transplant is a solution that is permanent and helps give a completely natural look, but people have many apprehensions about it. Dr. Akhilendra Singh is a hair transplant expert and has more than 15 years of experience. In his career, he has worked to bring people back their hair in a natural way. His expertise is sought all over the world, including the prestigious ISHRS World Congress in Los Angeles. So let's know from Dr. Akhilendra the answers to questions related to hair transplant.

To prevent hair fall, people use many expensive products and remedies, but sometimes the results are not good. Hair transplant is a process in which hair can be grown again and quickly which also looks natural. However, people have many misconceptions and fears about this treatment. The answers to these questions can be known from the doctor.

Hair loss in men and women

Both men and women have the problem of hair loss, but it affects them in different ways. For example, men usually have patterned hair loss, which is called baldness (MPB). The reason behind this can be genetic or DHT (dihydrotestosterone). On the other hand, in women, hair becomes thin due to hair loss and gradually the scalp starts becoming visible. The main reasons behind this are pregnancy, menopause, PCOS i.e. polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. Women have to go through hormonal changes many times in their life cycle and due to this also hair starts falling.

These are the reasons for hair loss

Now hair fall has become a growing concern among youngsters. Earlier, baldness used to occur with age, but now this problem is being seen even at a young age. Talking about the main reason, Dr. Singh says that lifestyle factors like dietary habits, environmental pollution etc. cause hair fall, apart from this, smoking also has a bad effect on hair, because it hinders blood circulation in the scalp, due to which nutrients and oxygen do not reach the hair follicles. Apart from this, using heating tools on hair, straightening, rebonding are things that damage the hair and due to this the hair starts falling and becoming thin along with breaking.

Can hair transplant cause cancer?

Although people consider hair transplant as a great solution, there are still many beliefs about it that prevent people from getting a hair transplant. For example, hair transplant damages the brain, can cause cancer or damages the eyes and can lead to blindness. Dr. Singh says that these beliefs are completely baseless. Dr. Akhilendra says that very good techniques have come up in today's time.

Why do people have fear of hair transplant?

Dr Singh says that today's modern techniques for hair transplant like unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) are extremely safe and have a very high success rate. However, the myths associated with these procedures often create fear in people's minds due to poorly done work by unqualified doctors. This is the reason why one should go to certified professionals for hair transplant.

Now there is a great facility in India too

Dr. Akhilendra Singh says that even today there are many people who go abroad for hair transplant, but in the last few years the cost of hair transplant in India has reduced significantly and today our country competes with places like Turkey and Thailand in high quality hair transplant. Experts say that even though expensive oils and home remedies can help keep your scalp healthy, it is better to take proper advice and get treatment to solve hair loss.

Is hair transplant painful?

People also have a fear that getting a hair transplant is a painful process. However, this is not the case. There is some pain in this process, but it is very little and there is nothing to fear about it. Most people start living a normal life again in a few days. Therefore, if you want to increase your self-confidence, then take the right advice from an expert and take a step towards hair transplant.