Farmer Scheme: Kisan Vikas Patra Scheme is very beneficial, you get this benefit


Many types of schemes are being run by the government in the interest of the farmers. Among these, the Kisan Vikas Patra scheme is also one, which is being run through the post office. Through this scheme of the post office, farmers are being encouraged to invest. Farmers will get good returns by investing in this scheme.

In this post office scheme, the farmer can invest a minimum amount of one thousand rupees. While there is no limit on the maximum investment. In this scheme, farmers are currently getting 7.2 percent interest annually on a compounding basis. In this scheme, any farmer can open his account.


Kisan Vikas Patra Yojana can be closed after two years and six months from the date of investment. In some circumstances, there is an option to close it prematurely.