Don't eat these things after eating peanuts, know what experts say

Winter is the season of peanuts. Most people like to eat it. Eating peanuts is considered very beneficial in terms of health. Let us tell you that peanuts contain many nutrients like dietary fiber, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B6, and magnesium. Eating it also strengthens the muscles.
Dietician Mohini Dongre says that peanuts, which are beneficial for the body, can be harmful to health if not eaten properly. Some people drink water immediately after eating peanuts. But some things should be avoided after eating it.
- do not drink milk
If you are eating peanuts, you should avoid drinking milk. Doing so can disturb our digestion. Due to this, problems like stomach ache start occurring. Drink milk only after about an hour of eating peanuts. Experts say that it is a bit difficult to digest peanuts with milk.
- Do not eat citrus fruits.
Experts say that one should not eat sour fruits after eating peanuts. Eating sour fruits can cause allergy problems. This also affects the digestive system. If a person is already allergic, then he should not eat sour fruits after peanuts.
- Watering after peanuts
Some people often drink water after eating peanuts. But you should avoid doing this. Drinking water after eating peanuts can be very dangerous for health. Drinking water after eating peanuts can cause sore throat and many other problems. You can drink water half an hour after eating peanuts.
- Keep these things in mind too
Experts say that if you have any kind of allergy or cough, then do not eat peanuts. This can increase the problem even more. Along with this, definitely consult a doctor in case of any medical condition.