Does paracetamol affect the liver? Dr. Sarin of ILBS answered

Can Paracetamol Damage The Liver: Fatty liver disease is common in India, and consuming paracetamol for a slight fever is even more common. However, most people are not aware of how dangerous consuming this fever medicine is for liver health. However, there can be many reasons for liver disease, including physical inactivity.
'Too much paracetamol can damage the liver'
When NNI asked Dr. Shiv Kumar Sarin, a famous gastroenterologist of ILBS Hospital, whether consuming excessive amounts of paracetamol affects the liver? After COVID-19, people are consuming this medicine like vitamin pills. In response to this, Dr. Sarin said, this is not a good idea, the liver contains a substance called Glutathione, which protects this organ.
Dr. SK Sarin further said that if someone is drinking (consuming alcohol), glutathione is needed to break down and neutralize paracetamol. If the person is obese then glutathione is less, if he is drinking then glutathione is less. And everybody has a capacity of how much paracetamol it can take. Dr. Today, the biggest cause of liver failure in America and London is paracetamol. It is also a painkiller. Do not take more than 2 or 3 tablets, if you have to take it, then take half a tablet 3 to 4 times a day, do not take more than that.
'Alcohol is a poison'
Dr. Sarin also talked about the dangers of drinking alcohol. He said that alcohol is a socially accepted poison, everyone agrees to it, and keeps drinking, it is poison... this is also known. Many times people say, Sir, I drink, nothing happens to me, then the other person also starts drinking as much. But everyone's body can be affected by alcohol in different ways. Such genetics and bacteria present in the intestine become addicted to alcohol or do not like it, because there are two types of bacteria, then you get liver disease. This is the reason why alcohol is called poison and we cannot recommend its consumption in any form. WHO has also said so.
Obesity is the enemy of the liver
Dr. Sarin has expressed a lot of concern about obesity, especially obesity among college students is reaching dangerous levels. The main reason for this is inflammatory foods like soft drinks, packed juices and sugar. He also told that one in every three Indians complains of fatty liver. People of Delhi move less, they have cars, buses, such a good metro service and there is not much space to walk. That is, physical inactivity is the reason for fatty liver.