Diwali Health Tips: Diabetes patients should take care of themselves this Diwali, just try these 5 tips..


Diwali is a festival of happiness, sparkle, and making loving memories with loved ones. Being the biggest festival of the year, Diwali is celebrated with great enthusiasm. On Diwali, many dishes, sweets, and snacks are prepared for the guests and family members. But, amidst these sweets and dishes, difficulties increase for diabetic patients. While everyone enjoys delicious food during Diwali, diabetic patients have to think before eating anything as to how it will affect their blood sugar level. Similarly, despite trying hard, many people end up eating sweets during Diwali. Due to this, they later start having problems with blood sugar spikes.


This increased blood sugar level can increase complications for the patient. At the same time, during the Corona period, diabetic patients have been asked to be very careful, because diabetics are at high risk of Covid-19 infection. In such a situation, diabetics should take special care of themselves during the festive season. This Diwali, the challenge for you is double, so pay attention to these things and keep your diabetes under control.

Diabetic patients should keep checking their blood sugar levels during the festive season. Because, often during festivals, we consume things containing excess sugar, ghee, oil, or salt. This can have a bad effect on your health. Checking your blood sugar level regularly will keep you informed about what is going on in your body.

Avoid stress
Be it work from home, home-office responsibilities, household chores, or Diwali preparations, nowadays people are feeling a lot of stress on everything. But, feeling stressed over small things can cause huge harm to your health. This may increase your blood sugar level. Therefore, try to avoid stress as much as possible. Meditate in the morning, take a walk in the lawn or balcony, get enough sleep, and spend time with your family. This will reduce stress.


Do yoga and exercise
Exercising proves to be very helpful for blood sugar management. Therefore, do regular exercise. Walk in the sun for 30 minutes every day, this will give you exercise and also get Vitamin D. Those who are unable to go out, should walk for 15-20 minutes while staying at home.
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