Dietary Guidelines for Indians: What should be the amount of sugar and protein?

Dietary Guidelines for Indians: In the last few decades, there has been a lot of change in the lifestyle and food habits of Indians, which is affecting their health, many such serious diseases are being seen in young people, who earlier had heard so much about it. Didn't get it. The National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, or NIN, Hyderabad has issued revised dietary guidelines for Indians.
What should Indians eat?
ICMR Director General Dr. Rajiv Bahl issued these guidelines on Wednesday, May 8, 2024. Important advice was to reduce the use of cooking oil and replace essential fatty acids with nuts, oil seeds, and seafood. To be achieved through. NIN also approved air frying and granite-coated cookware, and for the first time, the organization has issued guidelines for interpreting the labels of packaged food. Apart from this, guidelines have also been issued regarding ultra-processed food.
Avoid protein supplements
According to NIN, "Protein supplements have also been asked to be avoided due to the risks. Eggs, milk soybeans, peas, and rice are also mixed in protein powders. These powders contain added sugar, non-caloric sweeteners, and additives and "Contains artificial flavors, so it cannot be consumed regularly."
What should be the amount of sugar and protein?
According to NIN, an Indian should consume only 20 to 25 grams of sugar daily (one teaspoon of sugar is approximately 5.7 grams). More sugar than this can prove to be harmful to health, whereas if we talk about protein, then consumption of more than 1.6 grams of this nutrient per kilogram of body weight does not provide any special benefit.
What kind of vessel to cook food in?
Cooking food in earthen pots is the safest way, they are not only eco-friendly but also consume less oil and nutrition can also be preserved. Acidic food should not be cooked in copper, iron, and aluminum utensils. Stainless steel utensils are generally considered safe. Food should not be cooked in non-stick cookware at a temperature higher than 170 degrees Celsius, as this can damage the coating and there is a risk of it getting mixed with the food. Granite stone utensils are considered safe, provided there is no Teflon coating on them.