Dengue fever can occur even at the beginning of winter, 4 easy things to do immediately to avoid 'known enemy'
Dengue Preventive Measures: In dengue fever, blood platelets start decreasing, due to which the patient becomes weak, it is better that we protect ourselves from dengue mosquitoes, so that there is no problem.
How To Keep Yourself Safe From Dengue: Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne viral infection that spreads rapidly. However, taking some simple preventive measures can help control its spread to an extent. Every year, cases of dengue fever increase rapidly during the monsoon and early winter. This bite not only hurts, but when the person falls ill, it becomes very weak and then it takes time to recover. Let us know what measures we can take to avoid this danger.
1. Avoid mosquito bites: If you want to avoid
mosquito bites, then wear full sleeve clothes so that mosquitoes do not get skin to bite easily. You can use mosquito nets whenever you go to bed at night or day. There are some creams in the market that do not bite mosquitoes if applied on the skin
There are many factors that cause mosquitoes to breed in homes, which is necessary to prevent them. After this, you should clean the house thoroughly regularly. Since dengue mosquitoes breed in clean water, keep cleaning pots and containers. Place the tank on the roof.
3. Install netting in doors and windows to prevent
mosquitoes from coming into the house. For this, stop the entry point in every situation. You should put steel or plastic webs in the doors and windows so that mosquitoes can not come into your house. If the skylight is open, close it too.
Along with cleaning the house, cleaning the locality is also important, because many breeding grounds of mosquitoes are prepared here. For example, close the potholes of the roads, ponds, fountains, coconut shells, old tires and open drains.
Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading our news. This news has been written only for the purpose of making you aware. We have taken the help of home remedies and general information in writing it. Be sure to consult an expert before adopting it.