Credit Card Tips: Do you also have many credit cards? Keep checking these 5 things..


It is often seen that some people keep many credit cards. People believe that this increases their credit limit so that they can do a lot of shopping. However, sometimes due to having more credit cards, some such things happen that people's CIBIL score gets affected. Let's know 5 such things, which you should keep in mind.


1- Remember the due date
If you have many credit cards, then the due dates of your bills can also be many. In such a situation, it is important for you to remember the due date of all, otherwise, if any date is missed, you may be charged late fees and your CIBIL may get spoiled.

2- Take care of the credit utilization ratio
While using a credit card, you should take full care of the credit utilization ratio. Under this, you should not use more than 30 percent of your card limit, otherwise your CIBIL may get affected. If you have more credit cards, it is difficult to remember the limit of all, which can become a problem for you.

3- Remember the annual fees too
If you have many credit cards and you have to pay annual fees on them, then in this way you will have to spend a lot of money on annual fees only. In such a situation, you should consider closing some credit cards, so that the burden on you can be reduced.

4- Do not get into the trap of minimum due
Many times people see the minimum due on the credit card and think that if they pay only this much money, then the work will be done. Let us tell you that in such a situation you can only keep using the card. You will have to pay interest on your bill. So always pay the full bill on your credit card.


5- Keep utilizing reward points
People take credit cards so that they can use the many reward points available on them. But if you have many credit cards, then it becomes difficult to keep track of the reward points. At the same time, there are some reward points in credit cards that expire after a certain period, so you need to monitor them constantly and keep utilizing them.

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