Child health: Parents should be careful, do not mix these things with milk and give them to children, as it can affect their health!


Parents are very cautious about the health and food habits of their children. It feeds children such things which are good for their health. That's why every parent must include milk in their children's diet. Since milk is considered a complete diet, consumption of milk is considered very important for the development of children. But as many children do not like to drink milk, parents add things to milk to make it tastier, but mixing these things with milk spoils health.


Never give citrus fruits after milk or with milk. Because it contains Vitamin C which after mixing in milk produces acid reflux. This can cause stomach upset. Gas is produced more rapidly. This can cause headaches.


Banana shake is very much liked in summer. Milk is used to make it. Toxins in the body increase due to their consumption. Metabolism slows down due to its consumption. The combination of milk and grapes is also not considered suitable. So it can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps in the child. That's why don't give such things to children.