Cancer Symptoms: Those dangerous signs of cancer which most people cannot recognize, know the initial symptoms and prevention methods from the doctor
Cancer symptoms : Cancer is a disease whose name makes the soul tremble and we pray to God that no one should ever fall prey to it. However, in the last few decades it has been seen that this disease is rapidly catching people. While some people lose the battle against cancer, some people defeat it and start a new life.
Sometimes some people are not able to sense the early symptoms of cancer. Due to this they have to face serious consequences. In such a situation, it becomes important for us to know what can be the early symptoms of cancer? How many types of cancer are there? How can cancer be defeated?
Dr. Suhail Qureshi, Additional Director and Head of Medical Oncology, Fortis Hospital, said that it cannot be denied that cancer is a serious disease. But, if its initial symptoms are identified in time, then its treatment is also available. He said that being a doctor, I would like to say that you should first remove the fear of cancer from your mind, because when you are psychologically prepared for any disease, then the doctor is able to treat it better.
Early symptoms of cancer
Dr. Suhail Qureshi, while explaining the early symptoms of cancer, said that here you have to understand that different cancers have different symptoms. But, it has been seen many times that people are unable to recognize these symptoms. For example, if we talk about breast cancer, then very common symptoms are seen in it. Like in the initial stage, a lump can be seen in breast cancer or some discharge from the nipple of the breast or the nipple of the breast becoming red or the size of one breast being different from the other breast. These are some of the early symptoms that can be seen in case of breast cancer.
Dr. Suhail further said that similarly, in food pipe cancer, it is commonly seen that food gets stuck. Food not being able to go down, water not being able to go down, difficulty in swallowing food, vomiting blood, weight loss, vomiting, lack of appetite, all these are symptoms of stomach cancer. He said that symptoms like lump or swelling in any part of the body, weight loss without any reason can be of cancer. But, keep in mind that these symptoms can also be of other diseases. Therefore, consult a doctor if such symptoms are seen.
How many types of cancer are there?
According to Dr. Suhail, there are many types of cancer. Some cancers spread very fast, which need to be treated quickly. Rather, some other cancers spread very slowly, which can also be treated through oral tablets. Generally, the types of cancer also depend on which part of the body you are talking about.
Dr. Suhail said that when the initial symptoms of cancer are seen in a patient, first of all it should be confirmed whether it is cancer or not. For this, the whole body has to be scanned. This reveals the level of the disease and where the disease has spread. Apart from this, biopsy test is also done, which confirms cancer in the patient. This also reveals what type of cancer is in the body. He said that there is a myth among people that cancer spreads due to biopsy. But, this is not true at all. Yes, there are some cancers in which we do not need biopsy. In this, we find out through blood test whether there is cancer in the body or not.
Can cancer occur again after recovery?
Dr. Suhail said that some cancers are quite aggressive. So in such a situation, there is a possibility that it may attack again. Therefore, you should get tested from time to time. You should consult your doctor. Regarding what kind of changes we can make in our lifestyle to avoid cancer, he said that do not smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and use pan masala at all. Instead, consume a diet rich in nutrition.
Disclaimer: Dear reader, thank you for reading this news. This news has been written only to make you aware. We have taken the help of general information in writing this. If you read anything related to your health anywhere, then definitely consult a doctor before adopting it.