Can not bathing in winter really increase your lifespan by 34%? Know what the research says?


Bathing is a part of our daily life. But the thought of bathing in cold water in winter makes many people shiver. In such a situation, if you are told that not bathing in winter can increase your lifespan by 34 percent, what would you say?

Recently a study has caught people's attention regarding this claim. Let's know what is the science behind this. Does this really happen? Does bathing or not bathing in winter really have any connection with age and health?

Temperature affects age

Temperature can affect not only our health but also our age. Scientists believe that in cold environments, human metabolic activities slow down, which reduces DNA damage and oxidative stress. This has a direct impact on our aging process, and can possibly increase our lifespan.

A study conducted in the year 2018 revealed that the average lifespan of mice increased by about 20 percent in cold temperatures. However, there is no concrete scientific evidence available yet about its effect on humans. However this research has definitely proved that a decrease in temperature can slow down the process of aging.

What effect does cold weather have?

That is, living in a cold environment can lead our body towards longevity. This topic is not only interesting for scientists, but it has also become a matter of thinking for common people whether people living in cold areas really live longer.

There is no scientific proof of the claim that not bathing in winters increases life span by 34 percent. This does not prove anywhere that not bathing in winters can increase life span. Your life span definitely increases in cold weather.

Also understand the science of bathing with cold water

Research says that bathing with cold water helps in maintaining good blood circulation and mental health. Bathing with cold water in winters improves blood circulation and helps in strengthening your immune system. On the other hand, bathing with hot water relaxes the body but in the long run it can make the skin dry.

Not bathing for a long time causes bacteria to accumulate and increases the risk of skin infections. Cleanliness is an important measure for health. Instead of avoiding bathing, take a cold shower or consider spending time in cool places.