Birth control pills can be beneficial for health in these 2 ways, know the disadvantages before taking them


Birth Control Pills Benefits and Risks in Hindi: Birth control pills are often taken by women to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but it has many other advantages and disadvantages too. 

Birth Control Pills in Hindi: In today's time, every person definitely plans before making any kind of change in his life. Especially if it is about increasing his family. In such a situation, many women take birth control pills to avoid unwanted pregnancy. In today's time, many people resort to birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. It is said that if these pills are taken correctly, then they can help in preventing unwanted pregnancies up to 99 percent. But these contraceptive pills not only prevent you from getting pregnant but can also affect your health in many other ways (What does the birth control pill do to your body). In such a situationwhat can be the advantages and disadvantages of taking birth control pills, let us know from Dr Aastha Dayal, Director and Gynecologist of CK Birla Hospital located in Gurgaon-

What are the benefits of taking birth control pills? - What Are The Benefits of Birth Control Pills in Hindi?

Keep your period cycle regular

Taking birth control pills can affect your health improvement in the period cycle. This can also improve heavy, painful and irregular periods. These pills help maintain your hormonal balance, which can reduce the discomfort associated with problems like PCOS and hormonal imbalances.

Improves skin and hair health

Taking these pills can help you get clear skin and healthy hair. This pill contains formulations that can help deal with acne, and reduce hair loss problem.

What are the side effects of birth control pills? – What Are The Side Effects of Birth Control Pills in Hindi

Birth control pills can help in improving the menstrual cycle of women, keeping the skin and hair healthy. But, it also has some side effects. Therefore, after knowing the benefits of these medicines, it is important that before taking them, you also know about the harm caused by them. Eating these pills can cause nausea or vomiting. Mood swings,It is possible that some people may also be at increased risk of developing blood clots.


If you are also thinking of taking birth control pills, then first consult your health expert, so that you can get help in dealing with any side effects caused by it.

Image Credit: Healthline