Bihar Board 12th Result 2024 may be declared on this date!

PC: tv9hindi
The hopes of the students appearing in the Bihar Board 12th examination in 2024 are going to end soon. Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) can announce the Bihar Board 12th Result 2024 any time now. The examination was concluded on February 12 and the results will be published on the official website of BSEB. Students can get their mark sheets from their respective schools. Let us know how many students failed the intermediate examination last time.
Following last year's pattern, BSEB may release the result on March 21. However, the board has not yet announced the official result date. BSEB allows students who have failed in one or two subjects to appear for the compartmental examination. However, students who have failed in more than two subjects are not eligible for compartmental examination. After releasing the result, BSEB starts the registration process for the compartmental exam. Without applying, students cannot participate in the compartmental examination.
How many students failed last time?
The last time Bihar Board Intermediate results were declared on March 21. The board had announced the result date before declaring the results. A total of 13 lakh boys and girls appeared in the 12th examination. Out of these 10,91,948 students were successful in the intermediate examination, while 2,12,638 students failed.
How many failed in each stream?
In 2023, the Bihar Board recorded a pass percentage of 83.7% for the 12th exam. A total of 5,53,150 students passed and 1,15,184 students failed in the Arts stream. In the commerce stream, the pass percentage was 93.95%, while 2,969 failed. Similarly, 4,92,300 students passed in the science stream. A total of 318 students passed the vocational course examination, while 53 failed.
Where can you check the result?
Bihar Board 12th results can be checked on the official websites, and using roll number and roll code. The board will also release the list of stream-wise toppers along with the result.