Beauty Tips: Make this scrub at home, using it will make your face glow


Even during the summer season, people have to face skin-related problems like dullness, wrinkles, blemishes and spots. Due to these, the glow of the face starts reducing. Continuously increasing pollution and our carelessness are also one of the reasons for this.

You will be surprised to know that many beauty care products can also prove harmful to the skin. Today we are going to tell you a home remedy, through which you can make your skin naturally glowing. Today we will give you information about a natural scrub.

For this, you can make a scrub of coffee and coconut oil. Mix both of them well in a vessel. Now scrub your face with this. After this wash the face with lukewarm water. Let us tell you that coconut oil is used to maintain facial moisture, while coffee helps in improving the complexion. 

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