Beauty Tips: Make face pack from pomegranate, using it will enhance the beauty of the face!


Pomegranate is a fruit which is very beneficial for health as well as skin. Pomegranate, rich in anti-oxidants, is also very useful in enhancing the beauty of the face. You can make pomegranate a part of your beauty care.

You can improve the complexion of your face by using pomegranate as a face pack. Using it brings a rosy glow to the face and also softens the skin. You will also get relief from tanning. For this you can make a face pack of pomegranate and turmeric.

Make a face pack by mixing both the things well in a vessel. Now apply it on your face as well as neck till it dries. After it dries, wash the face with normal water. Using it regularly will give amazing glow to your face. The problem of spots and blemishes on the face will go away.

PC: amarujala, freepik