A woman hasn't eaten meat for 30 years, know what she lost and what she gained?
If someone has a habit of eating meat, then it is a big decision for him to leave it forever, it can not only change his health, but also his thinking.
30 Years of Vegetarianism: This is the story of a woman who, nearly three decades ago, was inspired by a college course on non-violence that was initially announced with enthusiasm. Over the years, she has continued this lifestyle, but her attitude and understanding towards vegetarianism has evolved, which has led to many unexpected realisations.
Early mistakes and lessons learned
Initially, the woman confronted aggressively about others' food choices, often leading to defensiveness, CNN reported. This approach failed to persuade anyone and instead alienated people. Over time, he realised that respectful engagement or avoiding a topic altogether was more effective. Today, she only shares her thoughts when other people show genuine curiosity.
Confusion about food choices
The woman admitted that no dietary choice gives complete ethical superiority. While being vegetarian reduces animal suffering, vegans point to exploitation in dairy and egg farming. Even strict dietary practices, such as Fruitarianism, present ethical dilemmas. In addition, socio-economic factors make it impossible to judge the dietary decisions of others, as affordability and reach play a key role in shaping food choices.
Giving up meat is not a sacrifice
Contrary to initial fears, living without meat is not a big sacrifice. During his college years, his diet was mainly based on pizza and fries. Over time, the number of veg options in restaurants and grocery stores has increased significantly, making it easier to maintain such a lifestyle. Even when travelling abroad, he found vegetarian food options manageable, with rare exceptions like Mongolia. The rise of plant-based meat substitutes and nondairy products has made vegetarian living easier. Women appreciate these new ideas, which satisfy cravings without animal harm.
Cultural shift and its impact
The woman has supported the idea of reducing meat consumption globally, including her in-laws, who now eat mostly vegetarian food. Growing awareness, supported by research and better plant-based alternatives, is encouraging more and more people to reduce their meat intake. This cultural shift benefits personal health, the environment and animals.
What did you learn from not eating meat for 30 years?
After 30 years of following a vegetarian diet, the woman is happy that society is adopting more sustainable and ethical eating habits. He believes that reducing meat consumption will be a major contribution to a better world.
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