Kanji Benefits: From strengthening immunity to improving digestion, learn easy recipes and benefits here


Kanji Benefits: If you want to keep yourself fit and away from diseases during the winter season, then the Kanji drink can be very beneficial. This strengthens immunity and digestion can also become healthy.

It is getting bitterly cold. North India is in the grip of a cold wave. There is also a high risk of diseases in the winter season. There are problems like colds, colds, and viral. In such a situation, if the immunity is strong, then these diseases can be easily avoided. Kanji drink helps strengthen your immunity. According to health experts and nutritionists, if it is consumed every day during winter, many diseases can also be cured. Let us know what Kanji drink is and how it improves health.

According to nutritionists, Kanji should be consumed every day to keep the immunity strong during the winter season. It is made by mixing things like carrot, beetroot, mustard, and asafoetida. It is rich in nutrients. Elements rich in pro-biotics are found in Kanji which improve immunity. It can also remove problems related to the intestines and skin.

How to make Kanji drink

Kanji drink made from carrots is considered very beneficial. This increases the immunity of the body and cures minor diseases. If you want to make carrot kanji at home then the recipe is very easy.

Here is the recipe-

  • First, boil three cups of water.
  • When the water becomes hot, put carrots in it and boil it for a while.
  • When the carrot is boiled, leave it to cool down.
  • Now put salt according to taste and a little mustard powder in a vessel and mix well.
  • Now fill this mixture in a bottle and keep it.
  • Keep it in the sun for two to three days and let it get exposed to sunlight.
  • Now Kanji is ready. Take it out in a glass and add some fermented carrots and use it.

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