5 myths related to hair that should be said bye-bye in 2024 itself


If you have thick, soft, and shiny hair, then your look gets enhanced. Along with girls, boys also take a lot of care of their hair. To keep the hair healthy and shiny, many expensive products, cosmetic treatments, and home remedies are tried. Currently, problems like hair fall and hair becoming lifeless are seen a lot. Nowadays, there are a lot of DIY tips on social media and people also try these tips, which sometimes causes harm instead of benefit. Similarly, there are many myths about hair which are easily believed.

What all is not tried for the desire of thick, strong and shiny hair. Everyone thinks a lot about their hair. However, due to this, people also believe in many myths, like it is right to use shampoo and conditioner of the same brand. So let's know about such myths which you should say bye-bye to in 2024 as well.

Should I keep oil in my hair overnight?

Even today, there are many people who apply oil a day before washing their hair and leave it overnight. It is believed that this keeps the hair soft, but experts say that applying oil an hour or an hour and a half before shampooing the hair is enough.

Does applying oil reduce dandruff?

Most people advise that if you have dandruff, apply oil on your scalp, but this should not be done. There are two types of dandruff on the scalp, dry and oily. If you have oily dandruff on your scalp and you apply a lot of oil, then instead of reducing, it will increase.

Does tying a tight braid make hair grow longer?

It is an old myth that tying hair in a tight braid helps in hair growth. But if you tie your hair in a tight braid then it can lead to thin lines and if you keep tying your hair in a tight braid for a long time then it can make your forehead look broad and also it can cause headaches due to excessive tension on the hair roots.

Does combing wet hair reduce hair fall?

Many people comb their hair when it is wet because they think that wet hair gets untangled easily and thus less hair fall happens. But when you comb wet hair, there are more chances of hair fall.

Should hair be washed only with cold water?

Many people believe that hair should always be washed with cold water because hot water takes away the shine of hair. At present, this is true to a large extent, but hair can be washed with lukewarm water because it opens the hair follicles and cleans the hair deeply. Just avoid very hot water.