3 home remedies to increase libido without a doctor's prescription, sex life will get a boost
Ways to increase libido: Instead of medicines, these natural methods can be used to increase libido.
Tips to boost libido without medicine: Lack of libido or sexual desire has become a problem for many people in the modern lifestyle. Stress, anxiety, unhealthy eating and constant running around in people's lifestyles affect their physical and mental health as well as sexual life and gradually people start losing their desire to have sex. Due to the problem of low libido for a long time, people's married life can also be affected and this can increase distance in the relationship. However, many times people also consume some medicines to increase libido. But, these medicines have their side effects (libido boosting medicines side effects) which can be seen for a long time.
In such a situation, what should be done to increase libido naturally without medicines (improving libido without medicines) and what kind of precautions can be taken to overcome low libido or lack of libido, is told by Dr. Amarendra Pathak, Senior Urologist, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi. Read his advice and tips here.
What are the ways to increase libido or libido naturally?
Sex is an important part of life and libido is important for a healthy sex life. If your libido is low and you want to increase it, then you have to work on mainly 3 stages. These stages are physical, mental and emotional level.
Make these changes in your diet to increase libido at the physical level
A good diet is also necessary for a healthy body and healthy libido level (diet for libido boost). If you want to get relief from your low libido problem, then you should change your diet. Change your daily diet. You should consume foods rich in elements like zinc and L-Arginine such as beans, seeds, lobsters and onions.
To increase libido, you can consume foods like chocolate, pomegranate, avocado, green tea, pumpkin seeds and watermelon.
Along with all this, you should avoid processed foods because processed foods cause harm to your body (side effects of processed foods) and also reduce libido.
Do light exercises daily. You can do muscle-strengthening exercises and cardiac exercises. You can do yoga daily and also practice meditation. This helps you to boost your libido.
Don't let sleep deprivation happen
Apart from all this, sleep deeply for 6-7 hours every day. This will reduce your stress and it will also be easy to increase libido.
Manage your diseases
If you have hypertension, obesity or any other chronic health problem or chronic disease, then manage it and take necessary measures to keep it under control.
Avoid these habits
If you consume alcohol, stop it gradually. Similarly, smoking also reduces libido (smoking can damage libido), therefore, quit your smoking habit (quit smoking for libido).
Make time for intimacy
Make sure to take time for your partner amidst your busy lifestyle. Spend quality time with your partner and remember the good things in your relationship. This will bring new life to your relationship and will also help you connect emotionally with your partner.
PC:The Healthsite.com