Why is China conducting military exercises near Taiwan? After being surrounded, the dragon told the reason


Wu Qian, the official representative of the Chinese Defense Ministry, explained why the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is conducting this exercise around Taiwan. Qian has described this drill as extremely necessary and said that its purpose is to counter the arrogance of "Taiwan's independence" and to prevent interference from outside forces.

For the first time, China has started large-scale maneuvers against Taiwan. Along with calling Taiwan's activities separatist, the Chinese army is also calling this military exercise a strict punishment for it. Taiwan's Defense Department has called it an act of provocation. Now the official representative of the Chinese Defense Ministry, Wu Qian, said that he has given the reason for the exercise. Qian described the drill as extremely necessary and said its purpose was to counter the arrogance of “Taiwan independence” and prevent interference from outside forces.

Qian has warned the new President of Taiwan, William Lai, saying that by relying on external forces, Lai has played with fire and those who play with this fire will get burnt. Qian has also said that the people of Taiwan have had to see this day because of the actions of the new President. In fact, since assuming office, William Lai has been opposing the One China Policy and has openly promoted the Two State Theory.

“Taiwan belongs to China”

Wu Qian has reiterated that Taiwan belongs to China. How to resolve the Taiwan issue: This is a matter of 1.4 billion Chinese people. He has said that the People's Liberation Army of China protects national sovereignty and territorial integrity. China's People's Liberation Army says that its exercise is in response to the inauguration speech of the new President of Taiwan.

Warplanes are seen near Taiwan

On the second day of China's exercises, Taiwan saw dozens of warplanes and naval ships near its coast. Taiwan said dozens of Chinese warplanes and naval ships were spotted off its coast on Friday, the second day of massive Chinese military exercises. China has released extensive footage to the media showing Taiwan surrounded by People's Liberation Army forces. A new video on Friday showed animated Chinese troops coming in from all directions and surrounding Taiwan.

All is normal in Taiwan

The population of Taiwan is 2.3 crores and despite this development, there is no special concern among the people about it. There was a lot of controversy in Taiwan's Parliament on Friday between political parties over the campaign measures, while business continued as normal in Taipei. The Defense Ministry said it detected the presence of 49 warplanes and 19 naval ships as well as Chinese coast guard ships and that 35 aircraft flew over the Taiwan Strait in 24 hours from Thursday to Friday.

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