Who has power in Iran after Raisi? Elections for the new president will be held on June 28


After the death of Ibrahim Raisi, the election of the new president is to be held in Iran on June 28. The registration process has started, which will last for 5 days. People between 40 and 75 years old can apply. Their educational qualification should be at least a master's degree.

Ibrahim Raisi. (File photo)

Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi died in a helicopter crash on May 19. Other people in the helicopter with him also lost their lives. After Raisi's death, the election of the new president is to be held in Iran on June 28. Preparations for this are in full swing. The registration process for candidacy has started, which will last for 5 days.

Iran's Interior Minister Ahmed Vahidi has announced a 5-day registration. He said that this election will be like a parliamentary election. People between 40 and 75 years old can apply. Talking about education, one should have a master's degree. All candidates must be approved by Iran's 12-member Guardian Council.

Protests against the death of Mahsa Amini

The Home Ministry, which is in charge of the country's police, conducts elections without any international monitoring. However, all final decisions are taken by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Raisi won the 2021 election and became president. If we look at the 2024 elections, the situation has changed a lot. Tensions between Tehran and the US have increased. Protests are also being held in protest against the death of Mahsa Amini in 2022.

The candidature of these leaders is being discussed

There is talk that Saeed Jalili can also contest the elections. Along with this, the name of Mohsen Hashemi Rafsanjani is also in the news. He is the son of former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. Ali Larijani, an ally of former President Hassan Rouhani, can also contest the elections. Along with this, acting President Mokhbar can also register his candidature.

The final list of candidates will be released on June 11

The Guardian Council will release the final list of candidates on June 11. This is a 12-member jury group. Its members are appointed by the Supreme Leader. This council had disqualified the leaders before the 2021 presidential election. After this Raisi won. In this election, there was very low voter turnout for the post of President. Only 48.8 percent of voting took place.