What will happen if an ICC arrest warrant is issued against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu?


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's troubles are showing no signs of abating. ICC can issue an arrest warrant against him. If this happens, Netanyahu could be arrested during his visit to any one of the 124 countries that recognize the ICC.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

After the increasing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the problems of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may increase. Many countries have already broken diplomatic relations with Israel in protest against the massacre of Palestinian people in Gaza. Now the International Criminal Court can also issue an arrest warrant on Israel's PM. According to NBC's report, the International Criminal Court can issue an arrest warrant against the Israeli PM along with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant.

According to reports, Israel is working through diplomatic channels to prevent the warrant from being issued. Israel's strongest ally America has intensified its efforts to stop this warrant.

The investigation is going on since 2014

ICC has not yet confirmed or denied this report. The ICC told NBC that they are conducting an independent investigation into the situation in Palestine and cannot comment further at this stage. ICC started its investigation against Israel in 2021. This investigation has been conducted since 2014 in connection with war crimes by the Israeli army and Palestinian terrorist groups in the West Bank and Gaza. Let us tell you that in 2014, there was a war between Israel and Hamas for a month.

What is the difference between ICC and ICJ?

Both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court are located in the Dutch city of The Hague. In 2002, under the Rome Statute, the ICC was tasked with prosecuting people for genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and 'crimes of aggression'. On the other hand, ICJ is a branch of the United Nations whose job is to resolve disputes between countries.

If a warrant is issued, what will result in the arrest?

If the ICC issues a warrant for Netanyahu's arrest, the Israeli PM is unlikely to be taken to The Hague to stand trial. Israel, like America, Russia, and China, does not recognize Rome's law and the jurisdiction of the court. But if Netanyahu travels to any of the 124 countries that recognize the court, the warrant could put him at risk of arrest.
