What is Cold Chain Management through which food items reach thousands of miles away from India safely
Food items do not spoil for a certain period of time, after that, they start spoiling. Along with this, a change is also seen in its taste. People use refrigerators to keep food items for a longer time so that it does not spoil quickly. Apart from this, cold chain management is used to transport food to other countries or to store food for a long time. In this, food is kept at a certain temperature, so that there is no change in it. Let us know about it in detail.
Cold chain logistics is made up of several processes that work together. Cold chain is a specific thermal profile during the manufacturing, packaging, and distribution of temperature-sensitive products. It prevents the flow of gases from outside to outside and prevents temperature fluctuations to maintain the quality and effectiveness of goods.
In the cold chain, the product is kept at its required temperature. It is packed in such a way that it does not change even after travelling a long distance and it does not get spoiled.
In which products is cold storage used?
Cold storage is mainly used to keep food and medical items safe. Along with this, dairy products, fruits, flowers, medicines, injections, chemicals and industrial products are sent from one place to another with the help of cold storage chain.
Nowadays, almost all the food items in hotels and restaurants are stored in cold storage. The reason behind this is to prevent damage. By using this, any product lasts for a long time and there is no change in it.
If there is any kind of vaccine or inoculation in the medicines, then it is kept in these cold storages. It is transferred from one place to another through this chain. This is because when they are made, then the temperature for storing them is set, if there is any kind of change in it, then they can also react wrongly. Some medicines are also found which are kept at a fixed temperature.
Some chemicals and industrial materials need to be kept at specific temperatures to keep them stable and effective. Cold storage chains are used for this.
Special vehicles are used in transport
Other goods are sent from one place to another by any truck or loading vehicle, but special vehicles are used to send cold chain goods from one place to another. These are like containers. Deep freezers are built in them, which manage the temperature of the goods.
These products are sent thousands of miles away with great ease; goods are sent from India to many countries every day through this chain.
What is its benefit?
The biggest advantage of cold chain is to prevent any goods from getting spoiled. Due to this, no product gets spoiled, which does not affect its demand. In simple words, if the product gets spoiled quickly, then both its waste and its demand will increase, with its help both of these are stopped. Due to which the market demand remains the same.
Along with this, customers also get satisfaction due to this chain, that they are not being given bad products.
When was it first used
According to media reports, cold chain management was first used in the year 1797. When some British fishermen used ice to preserve the caught fish. Apart from this, in the year 1938, American inventor Frederick Jones installed portable air-cooling units in vehicles for food items. With the help of which dairy products and other goods were sent from one place to another.
During the Second World War, this type of cold chain was used for food and medicines. Today, cold stores are present all over the world. These are built in every small and big place. You can keep your goods in them.