What happened until Iranian President Raisi's helicopter crashed after taking off from Azerbaijan?


The helicopter crash of Ibrahim Raisi has become a mystery at the international level. Questions are being raised whether Raisi was murdered or was a victim of a helicopter accident. The question is also that if the murder is committed, is it connected to Iran or are foreign agents behind it?

Iran's President Ibrahim Raisi dies in a helicopter crash.

Whether the helicopter crash of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is an accident or a conspiracy has become a big question. Many types of speculations are being made after the crash. Questions are being raised about the accident. Angles of negligence are being explored. However, how the incident that shook the entire Middle East happened is a big question. What happened after the flight from Azerbaijan till the crash?

Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi along with Iran's Foreign Minister and 8 other people died in a helicopter crash on Sunday. All these people were traveling in the same helicopter. The special thing is that there was a convoy of three helicopters with the President, out of which two helicopters landed safely. The reason for the helicopter crash is being said to be bad weather, although Iranian agencies are not ruling out any angle. Meanwhile, Iran's former Foreign Minister Zarif has alleged that the US is behind the helicopter crash. Zarif says that due to America's sanctions, spare parts were not available, due to which the helicopter became a victim of the accident.

Riddle of events

The helicopter crash of Ibrahim Raisi has become a mystery at the international level. Questions are being raised about whether Raisi was murdered or was a victim of a helicopter accident. The question is also that if the murder is committed, is it connected to Iran or are foreign agents behind it? After the helicopter crash, many clues have been found which point towards a conspiracy. It is believed that intelligence agencies of many countries of the world may be behind this. Like America's CIA or Israel's Mossad. We are going to tell you 10 secrets of this crash.

What might have happened to the helicopter?

After taking off from the Afrin Hydro Power Project, Raisi's helicopter Bell 212 reached near Jolfa on the Iran border. There are said to be many secret hideouts of Mossad on the Azerbaijani border. The special thing is that Raisi's helicopter was more than 40 years old. Mossad can easily hack its system and it is suspected that Mossad may have carried out an electronic attack on the helicopter. It is believed that this attack might have been carried out on the navigation and communication system of the helicopter. Mossad may have cut the satellite connection of the helicopter by using an electronic attack. Due to this attack, the communication system of the helicopter would have been disrupted. After this, the helicopter must have deviated from the fixed route and gone too far. Due to the computer system being down, the pilot may not have estimated the altitude and there is a possibility of a crash after hitting the hill.

Many unresolved questions

Bad weather is said to be the reason behind the crash because even during the search operation there was heavy fog. However, the videos that surfaced after the debris was found pointed towards a conspiracy, the second proof of this is that the pieces of the helicopter are very small and the debris is spread over a large area. Therefore, it is suspected that the helicopter exploded first and after breaking into small pieces due to the explosion, it fell on the hill. The third evidence is that the pilot did not give any emergency message before the crash. Did there be an explosion in the helicopter? Three helicopters took off from Azerbaijan simultaneously, but why was the President's helicopter the victim of bad weather? Why was Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan boarded in Raisi's helicopter at the last moment? Were both Raisi and Abdullahiyan the prime targets of the conspiracy? Was it decided that Bell 212 would be crashed?

Why wasn't this done?

Weather information is collected before the flight, so was information about bad weather not given to Raisi's helicopter crew in time? An open-source intelligence has claimed that the helicopter pilot had switched off the communication radio shortly before the crash. Why did the pilot do this? There is also news that before the helicopter crashed, a person in it was in contact with an outsider. Was information about helicopter routes leaked? The question is also why the helicopter was not checked before the flight and accurate weather information was not collected.

News & Image Source- Tv9