The story of a foreign hypocrite who created the 'Kingdom of Jesus Christ' and used to torture women


“Crime” is a word that is heard not only in India but in every country, every country's newspaper has one or the other news about crime. And among crimes, the news of rape is heard the most these days. However, whenever we hear the news of rape, the first thought that comes to our mind is that this person must not have received proper education, moral education, but what if the people who have been given the responsibility of moral education, the people who show everyone the right path and who are considered Guru, are accused of rape and trafficking.

A similar case recently came to light in the Philippines, where many revelations were made about a pastor who called himself "the son of God". The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has been looking for pastor Apollo Quiboloy for the last two weeks, the search has now ended and the pastor has been arrested in the Philippines. Pastor Apollo Quiboloy has been charged with trafficking and rape. Let us talk about every aspect of his allegations, his arrest, and his setting up his own kingdom.

Apollo Quiboloy is a citizen of the Philippines, who is no ordinary man, he says that he has 70 lakh followers. Apollo Quiboloy claims that he is the son of God. In the year 1985, Quiboloy created his own kingdom, which he named the 'Kingdom of Jesus Christ'. 74-year-old Quiboloy has been running his kingdom for the last 39 years. This kingdom of the pastor is spread over 75 acres. There are about 40 buildings in this kingdom, including a church, a school, and even a garage for private jets.