The death penalty will continue in America… Biden pardoned prisoners, Trump made a big announcement.


US President Joe Biden's term is about to end now. After this, Donald Trump will take over as President. Meanwhile, Biden has pardoned the death sentence of 37 prisoners in the last days of his term. Since then, many questions are being raised on him. The newly elected President has objected to this decision of Biden.

Trump has expressed his objection and said that after becoming the President, he would instruct the Justice Department to continue giving the death penalty to rapists, murderers, and other serious criminals. Trump believes that the death penalty is very important for a crime-free society and the safety of the people.

Trump's statement came after Biden's decision

Trump wrote on his social media site, "Joe Biden has just pardoned the death sentence of 37 murderers of our country. When you hear the actions of these murderers, you will not believe that they have done this.

Trump said that he cannot reverse the death sentence pardoned by Biden after becoming the President. But his Justice Department will continue the death penalty in the future. No accused will be pardoned under any circumstances.

What did President Biden say?

President Joe Biden recently reduced the sentence of 1500 prisoners. Along with this, he pardoned the sentence of 39 criminals who were not involved in violent crimes. Since then, many questions are being raised about his decision.

On this, he said that America is a country that believes in giving people a second chance. He said that as the President, he has the right to pardon those who regret their actions. They should be given a chance to make a place in the society again.