Such a 'Uniform Civil Code' is applicable in Russia, even Muslims cannot marry more than once


In the Muslim religion, four marriages are allowed with some conditions, but there is a country in the world where even Muslims cannot marry four times. Russia is one such country in the world where only one marriage is allowed under the 'Uniform Civil Code'. Recently, a Muslim religious leader in Russia raised the demand for more than one marriage but it was rejected.

Recently, once again a Muslim religious leader in Russia demanded more than one marriage, but once again this demand was rejected. Many arguments were given behind this demand, the biggest of which was population. However, even before this, in the year 1999, the Muslim side demanded polygamy.

What did the Muslim religious leader demand

The Ulama Council of Russia's Spiritual Administration made a big announcement last week. They issued a fatwa. Under this fatwa, the Islamic religious leader allowed Muslim men to marry more than once under several circumstances.

  1. In this fatwa, permission was given to marry again if the wife had become old.
  2. The wife is suffering from some disease
  3. The wife is unable to bear children due to some problems.
  4. Also, in this situation, the man is allowed to marry again and the wife does not want to have children.

The fatwa said that a man can have 4 wives, provided he gives equal time and comfort to all the wives. The document also had conditions for treating all wives fairly or equally. Also, the fatwa said that all wives should know about the other wife. If they do not know about the other wives and this condition is not fulfilled, then the woman can also demand divorce.

However, it was being criticized all over the country. After the fatwa was issued, it was criticized all over the country. Voices were raised against it all over the country. The government of the country responded to this 6 days after the fatwa was issued.

What did the Russian government say?

On Monday, 6 days after the fatwa was issued by the Muslim Mufti, the government sent a notice to the Islamic organization. Russia's Prosecutor General's Office sent a notice to the head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims asking him to cancel the fatwa. This notice states that this fatwa is against Russian law. Russian law prohibits polygamy.

A source in the Prosecutor General's Office said that the country respects the internal rules of religious organizations. It was also said that the country respects the internal rules of religious organizations as long as the rules do not violate them or contradict the laws of the Russian Federation.

Muslim organization withdrew the fatwa

After the government issued a notice, the Muslim organization withdrew the fatwa that allowed a man to marry four times. Imam Shamil Alyautdinov, head of the Muslim Council, said, "This is the will of God." He also said that the Muslim organization (SAM) does not see any reason to start a debate with the government on this issue.

Grand Mufti and Chairman of the Administration, Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, said the fatwa was aimed at protecting women and children in religious polygamy. Defending the document, Moscow Mufti Ildar Alyautdinov said the fatwa allowing four marriages does not legalise polygamy nor undermine the country's principle of secularism. Ildar said the fatwa has only clarified Islamic doctrine. There is no attempt to make it a legal right.

While this fatwa allowed a second marriage if a woman could not have children due to some problem, Russia has rejected it. On the other hand, the government is looking for ways to encourage Russians to have more children due to the declining population, a problem that has become worse since the war between Ukraine and Russia.

What is Russia's 'Uniform Civil Code'

Let us understand the law cited by which the proposal of polygamy has been rejected in Russia. Under Article 14 of the Family Code of the country's law, if any man is already officially married and his marriage is registered, then it is illegal for him to have a second registered marriage.

According to the Family Code of Russia, any person is prohibited from registering a marriage with someone else even if he is already married and the marriage is registered. While registered polygamy is prohibited in the country, there is no restriction on living with someone else without marriage (de facto polygamy).

According to a 2015 report by THE MOSCOW TIMES , about 90% of Russians oppose polygamy. A survey was conducted in the country. According to the survey, a large population of the country is against polygamy and opposes it. According to the survey, since the demand for polygamy was raised in 1999, when the survey was conducted in 2015, the number of people in favor of it increased by only 4 percent.

The demand was also raised in 1999

This is not the first time that the Muslim side has raised its voice against polygamy in the country, even before this, in the year 1999, a demand was raised regarding polygamy. Ruslan Aushev, the leader of Ingushetia, a small Muslim region in Russia, signed a decree to allow Muslim men to have four marriages. President Aushev had asked the Parliament to approve changes in the Russian federal law regarding four marriages.

President Aushev had said that the population of Ingushetia has been gradually declining for many years. Polygamy could prove to be a solution to this declining population, but Russian Justice Minister Pavel Krasheninnikov had called the proposal of polygamy unconstitutional and rejected it.