Pope Francis apologized for making objectionable comments about homosexuals


During a meeting with the bishops of Italy last week, Pope Francis made objectionable remarks about homosexuals. More than 250 bishops attended a meeting last week. During this, 87-year-old Pope Francis opposed the joining of training colleges for gay men to become priests.

After Pope Francis was accused of making indecent remarks about gay men, he has now apologized. The Pope was accused of using extremely derogatory language about gay men. A statement has been issued through the Vatican stating that the Pope did not intend to hurt anyone and he apologizes to those who have been hurt by the use of a word.

During a meeting with the bishops of Italy last week, Pope Francis made objectionable remarks about homosexuals. More than 250 bishops attended a meeting last week. During this, 87-year-old Pope Francis opposed the joining of training colleges for gay men to become priests. Here he used a very offensive word in Italian language for homosexual people.

Use of the word 'faggot' for gay men

A report claimed that Pope Francis used the word 'faggot' for gay men. Pope Francis urged Italian bishops (priests) not to train gay men for the priesthood. The Pope said that there are already too many Frociaggine in seminaries (training colleges to become priests). This is a Roman word, in Hindi it means homosexuality.

'The Pope did not intend to hurt anyone'

Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni issued a statement acknowledging the storm in the media about Francis' comments. Bruni said that as he (the Pope) has said on many occasions, there is a place for everyone in the church. No matter how we are. No one is useless and no one is superfluous. Bruni said the Pope never intended to offend or express himself in anti-gay terms. He therefore apologizes to those who were hurt by the use of the word as reported by others.