Nuclear War: If nuclear war breaks out, there will be unimaginable destruction, 300 crore people will die in 72 minutes.

It has been more than 2 years since the war between Russia and Ukraine. NATO forces have also entered this war. A German military officer who spies for Russia has said that Russia's preparations for a nuclear attack have been completed. Russian President Vladimir Putin can issue orders for a nuclear attack with hypersonic missiles at any time.
NATO forces have entered the Russia-Ukraine war. Russian intelligence reports that US and French marine commandos have directly entered the Ukraine war and now NATO Air Force pilots can also start military operations. It simply means World War Alarm. A German military officer who spies for Russia has said that Russia's preparations for a nuclear attack have been completed. Vladimir Putin can issue orders for a nuclear attack with hypersonic missiles at any time. It is feared that if a nuclear war breaks out, there will be 5 thousand nuclear explosions on Earth within 72 minutes and there will be unimaginable destruction.
Understand how the earth can collapse in 72 minutes. As soon as the Russian missile is fired, it will reach New York in the 25th minute. According to the estimates of Nuke Map, in this first attack itself, 16 lakh people will be killed and 30 lakh people will be injured. After this, nuclear war will start on Earth in 25 to 50 minutes. Russia's attacks on Europe will begin. US and France together will launch nuclear attacks on Russia. US and Britain together will launch a nuclear attack on China and China will also retaliate. North Korea, a country in Russia's alliance, will also start attacking the US and Europe. There will be great destruction from the 50th to the 72nd minute. This means that in these 22 minutes, 5,000 nuclear explosions have been estimated on Earth.
According to Nuclear War: A Scenario Book, more than 300 crore people will die in these blasts. There was a volcanic eruption in the forests of Sumatra 74,000 years ago, this would be even more devastating. The volcanic eruption that occurred 74,000 years ago was called the Toba Super Eruption. This eruption was considered to be an explosion with the power of 1,000 atomic bombs. At that time, 220 crore tonnes of sulfur dioxide had spread into the environment and the earth had started freezing. Now, due to 5,000 nuclear explosions, 1,100 crore tonnes of sulfur dioxide will cover the earth's environment. Due to this dense smoke cloud, sunlight will not reach the earth. This will start a nuclear winter on earth.
The book ‘Nuclear War: A Scenario’ estimates that the cycle of destruction will continue for 100 years. Europe is taking the threat of Russian nuclear attacks very seriously. A German soldier who was spying for Russia has given information about this. The German Security Agency arrested an officer of the German Armed Forces Bundeswehr. That officer is accused of spying for Russia.
Will there be a nuclear attack on Germany?
The officer recorded his statement in the Düsseldorf court. According to a German spy, Russia is about to carry out a nuclear explosion. He was told that there could be a nuclear attack on Germany soon. He was told that the Ukraine war was going to spread to many countries in Europe. Russia had made him its spy by guaranteeing the safety of his family.
According to the report of the German spy, now the truth has started coming out because Russian attacks have started outside Ukraine also. On April 30, there were explosions in the Verbatim weapons depot in the Czech Republic. The Czech agency claims that these blasts were carried out by Russian agents. The fear of war expansion is spreading in Europe, that is why Poland has also applied to join America's nuclear cooperation program. America's nuclear weapons may soon be deployed in Poland. Apart from this, the European Union has formed a Nuclear Cooperation Team. This team includes intelligence officers from European countries. They are keeping an eye on Russia's nuclear activities. The intelligence agencies of European countries are certain that the outcome of the Ukraine war will be a nuclear explosion and if this happens then unimaginable destruction is certain.