Now children in Sweden will not be able to watch smartphones and TV for hours! The Health Minister imposed a ban for this reason

The Swedish government on Monday came up with new recommendations for screen time for children up to 18 years of age. Parents have been told that children should not be allowed to watch screens. The country's public health agency said that children under two years of age should be kept completely away from digital media and television.
The new recommendations state that children between the ages of two and five should be limited to a maximum of one hour a day on screens. Children between the ages of 6 and 12 should not spend more than one or two hours in front of a screen. Health Minister Jacob Forsmedt said that more than half of 15-year-olds do not get enough sleep due to spending hours in front of a screen like this.
How many hours of screen time should 13-18-year-olds spend?
The public health agency has also advised children between the ages of 13 and 18 to avoid spending too much time on digital media and television screens. The agency said that children between the ages of 13 and 18 should be limited to two to three hours a day in front of the screen. Along with this, the health agency has also said that children should not use the screen before sleeping. Also, parents have been advised to keep phones and tablets out of children's bedrooms at night.
"For too long, smartphones and TV screens have been allowed to enter every part of our children's lives," Public Health Minister Jacob Forsmed told reporters. He said Swedish children aged 13 to 16 spend about six and a half hours a day in front of screens, in addition to school hours. This leaves little time for community, physical activity, or adequate sleep.
Citing research, the agency made these recommendations
During this time, Jacob Forsmed also expressed grief over the growing sleep crisis in Sweden. And further said that more than half of the 15-year-old children in the country have this problem.
They do not get enough sleep. At the same time, the agency also cited research to bring new recommendations for children. It is said that excessive use of smartphones and TV screens can spoil sleep. This can lead to depression and body dissatisfaction. The Swedish government had earlier also talked about banning smartphones in primary schools.