Israel's ground operation in Rafah would be a major tragedy


America, along with its other allies, has also warned Israel against its military operation. Foreign Minister Antony Blinken had also reiterated this during his visit to Riyadh.

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden

UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths said in a statement on Tuesday that a ground operation by Israeli troops in the southern Gaza city of Rafah would be a huge tragedy. This can be said beyond words. No humanitarian plan can compete with this.

Griffiths said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to launch an aggressive attack on Rafah. Netanyahu said that he would enter Rafah and destroy the Hamas battalions. Netanyahu declared that we will achieve victory under any circumstances.

Discussion on ceasefire proposal

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the ceasefire proposal made by Israel to Hamas. Blinken described this proposal as good. Similarly, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry also gave a similar statement in Riyadh. He said that it is necessary to accept the proposal between Israel and Hamas. Both sides should consider this,

America warned

America, along with its other allies, has also warned Israel against its military operation. Foreign Minister Antony Blinken had also reiterated this during his visit to Riyadh. He had said in clear words that America would not support such an attack in any way. On the other hand, the White House has also said that there will be no attack on Rafa. It is even said that there was a phone conversation between Biden and Netanyahu, although it is not yet clear what happened.