Israel's anger is not venting on Hamas just like that...this is the reason


Israel is continuously venting anger on the Gaza Strip. However, Israel's target is not Gaza but Hamas. Since the attack by Hamas terrorists on October 7 last year, Israel has been continuously trying to destroy Hamas.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Hamas leader Ismail Haniya

Amidst increasing tension with Iran, Israel is continuously attacking the Gaza Strip. Just a day before, Israel carried out a massive bombardment on Gaza. It is believed that the reason behind Israel's attacks is the anger it is venting on Hamas. One of the main reasons for this is the Israeli hostages, that is why despite all the efforts, Israel is not stopping attacking Gaza.

Israel is continuously venting anger on the Gaza Strip. However, Israel's target is not Gaza but Hamas. Since the attack by Hamas terrorists on October 7 last year, Israel has been continuously trying to destroy Hamas. The biggest reason behind this is the effort to free the hostages. Hamas itself has confirmed that they have many Israeli hostages. All of them are general-rank officers of the Israeli Army who have remained hostages of Hamas till now.

Hamas took hostage

Hamas has claimed that many senior officers of the Israeli army are in its custody. Many of these are of general rank. According to Hamas, he was taken hostage during a ground operation on October 7. A total of 133 people along with Israeli army officers have been taken hostage by Hamas. A senior Hamas leader has claimed that all the hostages are still alive and have been kept in safe places.

Israel's anger is rising

Israel's anger is continuously increasing. According to an AP report, Israel is now preparing to attack Rafah city. This is the same area where most of the Gazans have taken shelter. It is also being said from Israel's side that before attacking Rafah, it planned to first evacuate most of the civilians living there.

United Nations demanded an investigation

Recently, 283 bodies were found in two big hospitals of Khan Yunis, it is alleged that both these hospitals were attacked by Israeli forces. The United Nations has demanded an investigation into this matter. The UN has also said that the investigation should be conducted by a team that has access to the incident site.
