Iran's Supreme Leader forgets the grief of Raisi's death and is busy with his mission, writes a special letter to American students


The death of Iran's President Raisi is being discussed all over the world, while the Supreme Leader of Iran has moved ahead of all this and is busy with his mission. The Supreme Leader has written a long letter to American students. Khamenei has also praised the students for the demonstrations held recently in support of Palestine in America. He has also made a special appeal.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei remains in discussions for his speeches and sermons. The Supreme Leader expresses his views on very few issues, but his words have a big impact all over the world. On Thursday, Ayatollah Khamenei wrote a letter to the students of America. In this letter, Khamenei has encouraged the students demonstrating for Palestine in American universities and has also given them many instructions.

Khamenei said on the student demonstrations, "You have formed a branch of the Resistance Front and started a respectable struggle in the face of the brutal pressure of your government. Your struggle is against a government that openly supports the usurping and cruel Zionist regime.

Significant points of the letter

The Supreme Leader has put forward many important points in front of the students in his letter. The letter has been started in the name of Allah (God), Khamenei said, "I am writing this letter to those youth whose awakened conscience has inspired them to protect the oppressed women and children of Gaza. Dear students of the University of America, this message shows our sympathy and solidarity with you, as the page of history is turning, you are standing on the right path in this era."

He told the students that thousands of kilometers away from you, a big struggle with similar thinking has been going on for decades. Khamenei further said, "This struggle aims to end the tremendous oppression that the Zionist terrorist network has inflicted on the Palestinian nation for many years. After occupying their country, Israel has committed many atrocities on them."

Palestine is not just a country of Muslims

Khamenei has not described Palestine as just a country of Muslims. Rather, he wrote in his letter, "Today's massacre is the result of decades of oppressive behavior by Israel. Palestine is a free country, whose history is very old. It is a nation made up of Muslims, Christians, and Jews."

He also openly talked about the US and Britain being behind the oppression of Palestine. He has said that the truth is now coming to the world and people around the world have understood the cruel Zionist regime.

Appeal to connect with the Quran

At the end of the letter, Khamenei said that soon we will win with the grace of God and advised the students to learn about the teachings of the Quran and read it to follow the true path.