Here Saif rewarded the auto driver, on the other hand, Trump gave the command of the secret service to the guard who saved his life.


The act of showing courage must be rewarded. Remember these two names. One is Saif's auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana and the other is Secret Service agent Sean Karan who saved Donald Trump. Bhajan Singh Rana saved Saif's life and Sean Karan saved Trump's. Both these people have been rewarded. Saif has given Rana a reward of 50 thousand rupees while Trump made Sean Karan the director of the American Secret Service. Karan had saved Trump's life in the Pennsylvania attack.

Saif gave a reward of 50 thousand to the auto driver.

When Saif Ali Khan was attacked, late at night Saif was soaked in blood, at that time auto driver Bhajan Rana immediately came to his aid and took him to Lilavati Hospital. After recovering from the hospital and returning home, Saif met the auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana and expressed his gratitude to him. Saif gave Rana a reward of 50 thousand rupees for saving his life. He also said that whenever he feels the need for anything, he should tell him immediately.

Trump appoints Sean Curran as Secret Service director

On the other hand, Trump has appointed Sean Karan as the director of the US Secret Service. Last year, during an election rally in Pennsylvania, when Trump was fired upon, it was Sean Karan who was guarding him. Trump said that Sean saved my life by risking his own. Trump was shot near his ear. Sean was standing next to Trump. At that time, Sean's picture went viral. Trump called Sean a great patriot. He said that Sean is a great patriot who has protected my family over the years and that is why I trust him to lead the brave men and women of the US Secret Service.