Firing in a park in Maryland, America, five high school students were injured, one seriously

Bowers said an estimated 500 to 600 students from at least two high schools gathered at the park. Let us tell you that this day is known as Senior Skip Day when students in the final year of high school leave their classes.
Symbolic picture.
An incident of firing came to light in a park in Greenbelt, Maryland, America on Friday. Five high school students have been injured in this attack. Police said hundreds of high school students had skipped school and gathered at a park in Greenbelt, Maryland. Meanwhile, there was firing here, in which five men aged between 16 to 18 years were injured.
Greenbelt Police Chief Richard Bowers told a news conference that one victim was in critical condition and the other was in stable condition. Bowers said police are searching for one suspect but there may be other people involved in the attack. However, no motive for the attack has been revealed.
120 firings in 110 days
Bowers said there is no reason for this to happen. This is senseless, this is a chronic problem in our society and we have to do something to stop it. Honestly, it's disturbing. According to the Gun Violence Archive, there have been 120 such mass shootings in America in the first 110 days of this year. In this, there has been an incident of shooting and killing of four or more people, in which the shooter is not involved.
Celebrate Senior Skip Day
Bowers said an estimated 500 to 600 students from at least two high schools gathered at the park. Let us tell you that this day is known as Senior Skip Day when students in the final year of high school leave their classes.
A city of 24 thousand people
Bowers said about 20 officers were on the scene for about 15 minutes before the shooting began and responded to a social media rally. They were able to provide first aid before the ambulance arrived. Bowers said it could be the difference between someone getting to the hospital and someone not. Greenbelt is a town of about 24,000 people about 13 miles (21 kilometers) northeast of Washington.