Female prisoner narrated her painful story…told that jailor enters the jail and rapes her, girls keep pleading

Viral: The atrocities committed on women prisoners in jail have been exposed by a female prisoner after her release. After which there has been an uproar in the whole country
Viral: After spending 6 years in jail, a female prisoner recalls her painful story of the days she spent in jail. Everyone is shocked to hear this. People are wondering how this can happen in jail, this is inhuman. Jails are meant to reform criminals, but these jails have become a curse for women. There they have to face everything that is turning them into a living corpse. This is what this female prisoner Francesca Fator has to say. Francesca was serving her sentence in Britain's HMP jail on charges of drug smuggling. Fator, a resident of England, was caught in a drug smuggling case at the age of 31. According to British media reports, Francesca became addicted to drugs, after which she started earning money by selling drugs secretly.
What used to happen in jail?
After getting the punishment from the court, Francesca was put in HMP jail. Francesca said that there were many drug-addicted women like her serving their sentences. These prisoners were given drugs in the jail as well. When they were intoxicated, the jailer used to rape them. Actually, these drug-addicted women used to request the jailer to give them drugs. The jailer used to take advantage of this. There was an agreement between the female prisoners and the jailer that they would give them drugs but in return, they would have sex with them. Francesca says that in the desire for drugs, these female prisoners used to agree to have sex, but these jailers used to first give drugs to the female prisoners and then have sex with them. Francesca said that there would hardly be any woman in that jail who has not been raped.
Underage girls are employed
Not only this, Francesca also said that very young girls were employed in the jail. The jailer had a special motive behind this too. Actually, these young girls were given to the prisoners to build relations with them. Because these girls did not have enough understanding that doing all this in jail was a crime, they did what the jailer said. Francesca said that all this happened under the supervision of the jailer, so no one could raise a voice against it nor did anyone speak on it. Not only this, the jailer of HMP jail also threatened these prisoners that if these things went out of the jail then he would treat them in a way that no one has ever done to anyone to date.
But now Francesca has raised her voice against this after being released from jail and she is now working to improve the lives of women. This sensational revelation by Francesca has created an uproar in Britain. Orders have also been given for a large-scale investigation of HMP jail.
PC:Patrika News