China's project irritates India, Xi Jinping got support from another country


China has included another country in its dream project Belt and Road Initiative. Chinese President Xi Jinping met Nauru President Vid Adiang in Beijing on Monday. In this meeting, both the countries emphasized on strengthening bilateral relations, during the meeting Xi Jinping said that we welcome Nauru to join the Belt and Road Initiative.

Let us tell you that in January, Nauru broke relations with Taiwan, a country considered China's enemy, and immediately after that it resumed diplomatic relations with China. This is the first visit of the Nauru President to China after the restoration of diplomatic relations. On Nauru's decision to restore diplomatic relations, Xi said, "Nauru's political decision to restore diplomatic relations is a step that is in line with the demands of history and times." Xi also said that whenever a friendship is started, its future should be bright. No matter what the size of the relationship, it will be beneficial as long as it is honest.

President Xi said that China-Nauru relations have opened a new chapter in history. China is ready to work with Nauru to create a better future for China-Nauru relations and bring greater benefits to the people of both countries. After this meeting, the President of Nauri also talked about working together and strengthening relations between the two countries in the future.

China's Belt and Road Initiative, also known as One Belt One Road and New Silk Road. This project is passing through many countries, it is considered the centerpiece of Xi Jinping's foreign policy. For this, the Chinese government has been investing in more than 150 countries and international organizations since 2013. Through this, China wants to connect itself with many countries of the world. If this project is successful then it will be of great benefit to China's economy.

This controversial project of China is passing through Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, to which India has raised objections many times. India has already been saying that this Chinese project will drown small countries in China's debt. India has always said that the Belt and Road Initiative should be completed keeping in mind international laws and with the consent of all countries. India has been continuously distancing itself from this project. Meetings have been held on this subject at the international level in 2017, 2019, and 2023, from which India has kept itself away.

India's Ministry of External Affairs expressed its objection to this project in 2017, saying that connectivity projects should be carried forward in a way that sovereignty and territorial integrity are respected.