An important proposal came from the United Nations on the mission on which India is spending thousands of crores.


AI Artificial Intelligence has emerged as such a technology in a few years that it is being considered as the future of technology. But how dangerous it can be is proved by the increasing cases of deep fake videos in recent times. This is the reason why many countries around the world are emphasizing how to make AI completely safe and secure. America has made an effort in this direction. America is going to bring the first proposal in the United Nations on Artificial Intelligence.

This proposal came at a time when the Indian government is also making every possible effort to promote Artificial Intelligence. “India AI Mission” has also been launched, under which approval has been given to spend Rs 10,372 crore in the coming five years. The Indian government will provide subsidies to private companies, which will accelerate the work of AI research and development.

The first objective of this proposal is to ensure that the new technology is safe and reliable. The second objective is to make it equally accessible to all the countries of the developing world. The aim of this draft is also to eliminate the digital divide between countries so that everyone can come to the same table in the discussion on AI. Every country should have the technology and capabilities to reap the benefits of AI such as detecting diseases, predicting floods and training the next generation of workers.

This proposal will also emphasize on accelerating the development and use of Artificial Intelligence. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that the US has approached the UN General Assembly only for more in-depth talks on AI technology and its associated threats. If the resolution is approved, it will help in promoting safe and reliable AI around the world. This will be a historic step towards promotion. America started negotiations with 193 UN member countries about three months ago. The talks lasted 42 hours and 120 countries gave inputs. The proposal has received unanimous support from all member states.

One of the goals of the draft brought by America is to accelerate the use of AI in the Vision 2030 of the United Nations General Assembly. Vision 2030 includes taking important steps to end extreme poverty, hunger, gender equality and tackle climate change. America says that the UN is lagging behind in achieving its target. Let us tell you that European Union MPs are also ready to give final approval to the world's first comprehensive AI rules. Countries around the world, including America and China, are also moving forward to make AI rules.