America: Police entered Columbia University, clashed with pro-Palestine protesting students


A new turn has come in the ongoing Pro-Palestine movement in America. Police entered the campus and arrested many students. NYPD officers entered the campus to clear the Hamilton Hall building that had been taken over by protesters.

NYPD officers detained the protesters.

The pro-Palestine movements that started in America's universities are increasing day by day. Despite the appeal of the university administration, the students are not ready to end their protest. Students are protesting against Israel by setting up tents on the campus. Late Tuesday night, police entered the Columbia University campus and detained dozens of protesters. After which pictures of police action are being shared on all social media platforms.

According to reports, NYPD police entered the campus after a notice from the university administration. It is seen in the pictures that after entering the campus when the police moved toward Hamilton Hall, they had a scuffle with the students. Students have occupied the Hamilton Hall building of Columbia University and have been protesting sitting there for several days.

Police arrested the students

In the videos and pictures that surfaced after the police raid, it is seen that the police are taking the protesters into custody. Some students are seen being taken to buses by the police with their hands tied behind their backs, while in some videos the students are stopping the police from entering the main gate of Columbia University.

University issued statement

Columbia University also confirmed that it had contacted police to gain access to the campus. A statement issued by the university said, “The NYPD arrived on campus at our request around 9 p.m. “This decision was taken to restore security and order in our community.”

What did the notice say next?

The university was asked to call the police on campus. When we learned that protesters had taken over Hamilton Hall and vandalized the campus, we were left with no option but to call the police. . In the statement, the administration further said, “We will not risk the possibility of further escalation of tensions or the safety of our community.”

Image- Tv9