America is going to treat Iran without attack, made big preparations


After Iran's attack, Israel postponed the war cabinet meeting to decide on a retaliatory attack for the third time. On the other hand, America and other countries of the West are considering plans for new sanctions against Iran. However, analysts are not considering it right.

American President Biden has announced support for Israel.

Iran, which called for taking revenge from Israel as self-defense, now appears to be in trouble. America and other countries of the West have made preparations to treat the Shia Muslim country without attacking it. However, China is calling the plan made by America a move to provoke Iran. If America succeeds in its mission, it will control Iran's power to a great extent.

After Iran's attack, Israel postponed the war cabinet meeting to decide on a retaliatory attack for the third time. On the other hand, America and other countries of the West are considering plans for new sanctions against Iran. However, analysts are not considering it right. He says that imposing sanctions on Iran at this time can inflame its sentiments. Especially China is giving this argument on this. Chinese analysts have written in the Global Times that instead of imposing sanctions, America should work to motivate Israel to exercise restraint.

America is going to ban this

In America, the White House has announced that it will impose new sanctions on Iran. According to the report of Global Times, along with limiting its missile and drone program, these sanctions will also ban the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. Apart from this, new sanctions will also be included against institutions supporting Iran's Defense Ministry. It is being claimed that this will reduce Iran's missile and UAV capabilities. Along with giving this information, Washington has also expressed the hope that America's allies and partners will soon agree on this. In a report by the Guardian, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has also spoken on sanctions against Tehran.

Iran may become aggressive

Chinese experts believe that if these sanctions are imposed on Iran, it is not likely to have much impact on Iran, because it has already experienced sanctions for a long time. According to Zhu Yongbiao of Lanzhou University of China, if Iran will be most affected then it will be that the people there will put pressure on the government against these sanctions. Apart from this, these sanctions will worsen relations between America and Iran. According to experts, Iran may become more aggressive due to these sanctions. A section there may also believe that major and deadly attacks should be carried out against Israel.

The situation will become difficult

Amidst the news of sanctions on Iran, it is believed that if Iran gets angry then it can be very difficult to handle. Chinese expert Lu currently considers the policy being adopted by the US government in the Middle East as the most chaotic. He also advises Biden to consider this. China believes that America's attitude in the Middle East is two-sided. For example, he presents himself as an administrator in the Middle East, but there are many contradictions in his rhetoric.

Image- Tv9