Weather update: Now the temperature will increase continuously, the heat will bother people, and this week it will cross 40 degrees


A rapid change in the weather is being seen in the whole of March, where the effect of Western Disturbance was visible, whereas now the rising heat is making people sweat. The effect of the Western Disturbance remained throughout March and the beginning of April, due to which the effect of the heat wave was less this time. But now summer has started.

After the effect of the Western Disturbance is over, the cold which was there now is over and summer has started. Talking about Rajasthan, according to the Meteorological Department, the weather is likely to remain dry now. Although the sky will be cloudy in the coming week. But its effect will be negligible.

On the other hand, if we talk about other states of the country, then the increase in temperature will continue like this. Which will reach 40 degree Celsius or more by the end of next week. In such a situation, now people have to be ready for the heat and if people believe, then this time the heat will break its record.