The boy gave a speech on 26th January, put his hand in his pocket and made such a demand that the principal fainted and the class teacher fell into a coma!


Republic Day 2025: When a child comes on stage with confidence to give a speech on 26 January, it seems that his preparation is amazing. However, as the speech progresses, the teachers start feeling dizzy listening to his words.

On Republic Day, various programs are organized in schools. Here, children display their loyalty and patriotism towards this day by singing, dancing, and giving speeches. Sometimes, the children's preparations are so amazing that we are left astonished, and sometimes, they also forget their lines. However, the speech of the child whose speech we will make you listen to today is something different.

Usually, when children stand up to give a speech, they get a little scared. When a child comes on stage with confidence to give a speech on 26th January, it seems that his preparation is excellent. However, as the speech progresses, the teachers start feeling dizzy listening to his words. They do not understand how to stop the child, and the child is not ready to keep quiet.

You must not have heard such a speech…

In the video going viral, it can be seen that a boy is standing to give a speech on 26 January at a school function. He is standing like a confident speaker with a mike in his hand and one hand inside his pocket. As soon as he starts his speech, he says that 26 January comes on 26 January and it comes after 25 January. This day brings happiness for children because there is a school holiday… The matter does not end here, after this, he also makes an interesting demand from the government. You can listen to this in this video.

The comments got even more interesting…

This video has been shared on the social media platform Instagram from an account named comedycentralite. Within a few hours of sharing it, the video has been viewed by 11.7 million or 1.1 crore people and liked by about 7 lakh people. Commenting, people wrote – This is an unread essay of 500 words. One user wrote – Look at Bhai’s confidence. Another user wrote – This demand which will last for 10-15 days from 26 January is tremendous.
