Sewers outside the hostel were clogged with condoms, uproar over allegations of prostitution


A strange incident has been witnessed in Ludhiana, Punjab. Here, after the sewer line got clogged with condoms, the people of the locality created a ruckus outside the PG. Allegations were made that prostitution is going on in the PG and condoms are being thrown in the sewer line. This has made the life of the people living in the locality difficult.

A strange case has come to light in Ludhiana, Punjab. The problem of sewerage getting clogged is occurring here every day. Seeing the anger of the people, when the sewer line was cleaned, it was found that the entire line was filled with condoms. Due to this the line was choked. When the information was received, the people of the locality created a ruckus. They said that prostitution is going on in a PG near the sewer line and from here so many condoms are being thrown into the drains.

The matter is of ward number 20 of Ludhiana. Here, people living in Sanjay Gandhi Colony have created a ruckus outside the PG. They said that the youth living in this PG does prostitution. Girls come to this PG every day and carry out immoral business. The business of prostitution goes on throughout the day. Complaints were also given to the local police several times in this regard, but no action has been taken till now. The local people are suffering the consequences of this.

Gurmel Singh, who lives in the locality, said that dirty work is going on here. Due to this, it has become difficult for the decent people of the locality to leave their houses. Due to the sewer being choked, there is a problem inside the house as well. According to Gurmel Singh, the sewer line is often getting clogged. Now when it was cleaned, hundreds of condoms were found in it. The local people also accused the police of being complicit in this business. They said that the police keep loitering here almost every day.

A woman living here said that the boys living in the PG create a ruckus till late night. This is also affecting the peace here. However, the PG owner said that he has taken this place on rent. If any illegal activity is going on in his PG, it will be vacated immediately. On the other hand, social worker Kamal has asked the police to immediately intervene in this matter.
