Rajasthan Weather Alert: Now this alert has been issued, this may happen


There has been a change in the weather in Rajasthan these days. Due to this, people are getting relief from the scorching heat. Due to the increase in the amount of moisture in the air, there has been a brake on the temperature to some extent. According to the Meteorological Department, a new western disturbance is likely to become active in some parts of the state from April 5.

Its effect is likely to be visible in the next two days. Due to this, there may be light rain with thunder at some places in the state. However, due to rain, farmers may have to face many problems. Their standing crops may get damaged.

Due to this change in the weather, people will continue to get relief from the heat for a few days. However, there is a possibility of severe heat in the state later. People should be prepared for this from now on. There has been a change in the weather in Sikar since Monday morning. This made the weather pleasant. 

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