Rajasthan Assembly Elections: Congress played a big gamble by giving tickets to these ministers


Congress has released the second list of 43 candidates for the assembly elections to be held next month in Rajasthan. Congress has taken a big gamble by giving tickets to 15 ministers in this list.

The tickets of 14 MLAs have been repeated again. The second list announced by Congress on Sunday includes BD Kalla, Vijendra Singh Ola, Govindram Meghwal, Pratap Singh Khachariyawas, Shakuntala Rawat, Vishvendra Singh, Rajendra Singh Yadav, Bhajanlal Jatav, Murari Lal Meena, Parsadi Lal Meena, Sukhram Bishnoi, Arjun Singh. Ministers like Bamnia, Udaylal Anjana, Ramlal Jat, Pramod Jain Bhaya etc. have been given place. 

Whereas the present MLAs Raghu Sharma, Mevaram Jain, Amin Kaggi, Rafiq Khan, Jagdish Chandra Jangid, Vinod Kumar Chaudhary, Anil Kumar Sharma, Hakam Ali, Suresh Modi, Gurmeet Singh Kunnar, Rohit Bohra, Rajkumar Sharma, Ashok Bairwa, Dayaram Parmar and Deputy Chief whip Mahendra Chaudhary has also been given ticket. 

PC: newsclick