Oh God! A nail took away the life of an innocent child, the Gurugram incident is a lesson for every parent


A heartbreaking incident has come to light from Gurugram. This incident is also a lesson for parents. A 14-month-old girl was playing on the ground floor of the house and while playing, the girl found a long iron nail on the floor of the house the innocent girl put that nail in the electric socket and the girl died due to electric shock.

A tragic incident took place in Bandhwadi village of Gurugram, in which an innocent 14-month-old girl died due to electric shock. This incident is also a lesson for those parents who leave their children alone to play. Actually, this accident happened on Saturday evening when the girl was playing on the ground floor of the house and at that time her mother was busy with household chores, while the father had gone to work. During this time, while playing, the girl found a long iron nail from somewhere in the house, with which she started playing and while playing, she put that nail in the electric socket on the wall. That innocent died due to an electric shock. 

How did the accident happen?

According to the police investigation, innocent Tanya, while playing, put the nail in the electrical socket at the lowest part of the wall. As soon as the electric current touched her, she got a strong shock, due to which she fell far away in the room.

According to Gurugram Police Public Relations Officer Sandeep Kumar, "The electric shock was so strong that the girl jumped and fell in the room. Hearing the children's screams, her mother ran downstairs and found her daughter unconscious. The family members and neighbours immediately took the girl to Sector 10A Civil Hospital. But by then it was too late, the doctors declared the girl dead."

After this incident, the family was devastated. The parents are in deep shock due to the sudden and tragic death of their child.

Police investigation and family's statement

Police have started an investigation in this case. The girl's father, Mohit Kumar gave a written statement at Gwal Pahari police station, in which he said that there is no conspiracy or suspicion in this incident. Police officials say that this was a tragic accident and no evidence of negligence has been found in it.

Vigilance is necessary for the safety of children.

This incident is a warning for those parents who have small children at home. It is very important to keep electrical appliances and open sockets safe. Parents should cover open electrical sockets and keep dangerous objects in the house away from the reach of children so that such accidents can be avoided.
