Made the women of the house drink holy water – then made relations with unconscious women for 7 days, tantrik did this scandal with colleagues

A heart-wrenching case has come to light from Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh, where a tantrik took advantage of the family's faith and committed such a scandal, due to which the whole family is currently in shock.
A heart-wrenching case has come to light from Ratlam in Madhya Pradesh, where a tantrik took advantage of the family's trust and committed such a scandal, due to which the whole family is currently in shock. It is being told that the accused tantric raped the women of the family on the pretext of a broomstick. Let us tell you that the Tantrik raped 3 women in the same house by luring them with money.
Greed for money
According to the information, this whole case is being reported from Ratlam a lot in Madhya Pradesh. Here a family has lodged a complaint against the tantrik in the police station. The accused has been identified as Balveer Bairagi, a resident of Rajasthan. The accused came to A lot from Begu district Chittor and claimed to be tantric who solves the problems of the people. The tantrik was staying at a family's house in a lot. Tantrik Balveer Beragi lured the people of the house to withdraw a hefty amount.
7 Days Hunting Made
It is being told that the accused had lured all the men of the family and sent them away from home. After this, he made all the women of the house unconscious by making them drink holy water and raped the three women of the house in 7 days. In this case, the SDOP said that a case of illegal relations with three women by the tantrik has come to light. Police say that statements of the victims are being taken. At present, further action is being taken in the case. Police said they are looking for the accused.