Lok Adalat: Will the drink and drive challan be waived in the first Lok Adalat?


Drinking and driving means putting yourself and your companions in danger. If you are found driving under the influence of alcohol, a hefty fine is imposed. In many cases, you may even have to go to jail. The first Lok Adalat of this year is going to be held on March 8. Many pending challans can be settled in it. But will your drink and drive challan be waived or is its fine reduced? You will find the answer to this question below.

In the National Lok Adalat, one can get relief from many traffic challenges. Apart from this, matters like electricity bills and water bills, land-property disputes, family issues, and bank loans can be resolved.

National Lok Adalat

The National Legal Services Authority (NLSA), New Delhi has released the schedule of the National Lok Adalat. The first Lok Adalat will be held on March 8. After this, you will get this opportunity three more times in the whole year. The second Lok Adalat will be held on May 10, the third on September 13, and the last chance on December 13, 2025.

Will the drink and drive challan be waived or not?

  • In most cases, the drink and drive challan is not waived. Drinking and driving is a crime. Due to being drunk, you put your life and the lives of others at risk. The court issues you a hefty challan for this. In a drink and drive case, the court itself decides the fine and punishment for the challan.
  • In a drink-and-drive situation, you have to pay the challan on the spot. You are punished for this violation immediately.
  • Lok Adalat resolves only those challan cases which are normal traffic violations. Normal traffic violations include not wearing your seat belt, driving a two-wheeler without a helmet, jumping a red light, etc. You can get the amount of the challan issued for these minor cases reduced or eliminated.

Present your side in court.

If your challan has been issued for a mistake or violation of normal traffic rules, then your vehicle is not involved in any crime or accident, and its challan can be waived or reduced.

For this, you just have to present your case clearly in the court. A decision is given on your challan only after your case is agreed upon.