Life of Hindus is hell in Pakistan, the honour of virgin daughters is looted quickly, and they make them their wives


Since independence, about one lakh Hindus have come to Barmer from Pakistan. You will be shocked to know how Hindus are treated there.

We are going to celebrate Republic Day on 26th January. After India gained independence in 1947, a constitution was made to determine the rules by which the country should be run. Independence gave the country an identity but the countrymen had to pay a huge price in return. Partition of India and Pakistan is included in this. This partition showed a scene which people do not even want to think about.

Since 1947, about one lakh displaced people have come to Barmer. Many of them have now got Indian citizenship. Most of them are Hindus, for whom life in Pakistan had become worse than hell. In such a situation, they had to come back to India to save their lives. They left behind their full houses and were forced to live the lives of displaced people in India. Their story is such that even your heart will tremble.

This is the situation in Pakistan

When the refugees who returned from Pakistan revealed the condition of Hindus there, everyone was shocked. Now less than two percent of Hindus are left in Pakistan. Either most of them have changed their religion out of fear or those who refused were killed. According to the human rights report, last year 112 cases of atrocities against Hindus were registered in Pakistan. Between 2018 and 2024, more than five thousand Hindu girls were kidnapped and married off.

Fleeing to India in search of peace

The life of Hindus in Pakistan has become like hell. In such a situation, they are returning to India in search of peace. Here they do not have the fear of kidnapping or murder. According to information, till now many families have come to India from Pakistan and are living the life of refugees. They first came on visa but then settled here. Those who have lived for more than seven years are now being given Indian citizenship. In such a situation, they are able to take advantage of government schemes also.
